
Raison d’être

This website is a way to express myself artistically and technically; much like a blank canvas.

Despite not being a designer, I have a keen interest in visual arts; pursuing beauty and functionality is my goal.


Before sperging out about the technicalities, I’d like to mention my biggest inspirations for this website;




The website is built using Vite and plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; leveraging Three.js for 3D graphics.

Blog posts are hackily converted from markdown to HTML using a custom Vite plugin, which also injects hashed assets into the HTML files by parsing the Vite manifest.

Ad futurum

A Latin phrase meaning “for the future.”

I plan to build a knowledge base by documenting my projects, thoughts, and experiences; as well as a portfolio showcasing my artistic and technical endeavours.

Over the years, I’d like for this website to become a time capsule of my growth and development; a reflection of my past, present, and future self.